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Reducing Sound Sensitivity in Children with Autism

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Sound sensitivity, or auditory hypersensitivity, is a common concern among individuals with autism. It can lead to heightened reactions and anxiety in response to certain sounds, making it difficult for children to navigate their surroundings comfortably. Noises such as loud conversations, sirens, or even mundane sounds like a vacuum cleaner can become overwhelming triggers for them. But through ABA, we have the tools to address this challenge.

Benefits Sound Desensitization

The goal of sound desensitization is to gradually reduce the child's sensitivity to specific sounds, ultimately helping them develop a greater tolerance and resilience. By engaging in sound desensitization techniques, children with autism can experience several benefits. They may experience reduced anxiety, improved focus and attention, enhanced social interactions, and increased overall quality of life. Let's explore some real-life examples of how sound desensitization has positively impacted children with autism.

How to Reduce Sound Sensitivity

First, we want to rule out any medical cause of the sound sensitivity, such as ear infections. It is vital that we do not implement any desensitization program that could cause the clients physical pain. If no medical cause has been established, we can follow these steps to guide your programming:

  1. Identify Specific Triggers: Begin by observing and identifying the specific sounds that trigger anxiety or discomfort in the child. Take note of situations or environments where the child demonstrates heightened sensitivity to certain sounds. This could include any loud sounds, or be very specific to one or a few sounds.

  2. Create a Safe Environment: Establish a safe and supportive environment for the client. Ensure that they have a designated quiet space where they can retreat to when feeling overwhelmed. Minimize unnecessary noise and distractions in their immediate surroundings. We want to be able to reinforce the toleration of these aversive sounds with a calm and quiet enriched environment.

  3. Start with Familiar Sounds: If the client is sensitive to loud sounds in general, begin the desensitization process by introducing familiar sounds that are less likely to cause distress. Start with low-intensity sounds that the child encounters regularly, such as household appliances or familiar voices. Then, gradually increase the volume or exposure time as the child becomes more comfortable.

  4. Use Visual Supports: Incorporate visual aids to help the child understand and process the purpose of sound desensitization. Visual supports can include picture schedules, visual timers, or cue cards to help them anticipate and navigate the process.

  5. Gradual Exposure: Introduce the child to gradually increasing levels of the trigger sounds. Start with very low volumes or short durations and gradually increase the intensity or duration over time. This gradual exposure allows the child to acclimate to the sound without becoming overwhelmed.

  6. Pair Sounds with Positive Experiences: Associate the trigger sounds with positive experiences to create positive associations. For example, you can pair the sound with a favorite activity, a preferred toy, or a rewarding experience. This helps your client build a more positive and relaxed response to the sound.

  7. Incorporate Play-Based Activities: Engage the child in play-based activities that involve the trigger sounds. For example, playing musical instruments, listening to music, or engaging in sound-themed games can help the child interact with sounds in a fun and enjoyable way.

  8. Encourage Self-Regulation Techniques: Teach the child self-regulation techniques to manage their anxiety or discomfort when exposed to triggering sounds. Deep breathing exercises, sensory tools like fidget toys or stress balls, or verbalizing their emotions can help them cope with the sensory overload.

  9. Monitor Progress and Adjust: Continuously monitor the client's progress and adjust the desensitization plan as needed. Observe their reactions and make note of any improvements or challenges. Modify the exposure level, duration, or techniques based on their individual needs and responses.

Remember, every child is unique, and the desensitization process should be tailored to their individual needs. Be patient, celebrate small victories, and provide consistent support throughout the process.

Collaboration on Sound Sensitivity

If you are encountering difficulties implementing sound desensitization in your ABA program or struggling to make progress, you may need to seek additional support. Collaborating with other professionals that specialize in working with sensory processing disorders can provide guidance for our programming, support to the family, and additional techniques to implement. If you feel that your client needs the assistance of other professionals beyond your scope or competency level, do not hesitate to reach out to others.


Addressing sound sensitivity in children with autism is crucial for their overall well-being and successful integration into the world around them. Sound desensitization is an evidence-based treatment that offers tangible benefits for children struggling with sound sensitivity. By understanding the challenges, implementation steps, and when to collaborate with other professionals, we can empower children with autism to thrive in a world of sound.

If you want to learn more about graduated exposure and desensitization use in ABA therapy, check out our podcast episode: Graduated Exposure and Desensitization. Don't forget you can get CEU's just for listening to our podcast!


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