Behavioral Career Coaching
Invest in yourself and get back on track to follow your passion!
Like so many others, you probably entered your field to follow your passion, to help others, and to have a fulfilling career. But burnout, case overload, and lack of support can kill that passion and lead to
Being overwhelmed and dissatisfied
Feeling stuck in your job
Increased stress and anxiety
Are you stuck in a career rut?
Has your passion turned to burnout?
Do you lack the support you need to grow?
Make the change today!
You have a unique set of skills and a specialized education to help others and have an amazing career, so why don't you feel fulfilled?
Is this career for you?
Did you made a mistake?
What else you can do with your degree?
How can you move forward?
How can you get your PASSION back?

Let me tell you, you're not alone!
Burnout among helping professions has become an EPIDEMIC!
Up to 67% of healthcare workers experience high levels of burnout, and guess what...
It's not your fault
Self-care is NOT going to fix the problem
It won't go away if you just power through it
So how can I help???

Career Transformation
Re-brand your unique skill set to move into a new field or new position within your field, including moving into an entrepreneur role.

Passion Make-Over
Identify what is causing burnout in your professional life and get help making changes to reduce the burnout and rekindle your passion.

Promotion Accelerator
Solidify your ultimate growth goals within your profession and make an action plan to move you in the right direction to achieving those goals.
Why learn from me?

Hi, I'm Melissa Druskis, and I have worked in pediatric therapy for over 15 years. I have always wanted to work in a helping profession, from my childhood dreams of being a vet when I grew up, to my first career choice as a speech language pathologist, and now as a Board Certified Behavior Analyst. But I've realized that it is much more important to focus on what you want your life to look like, than what you want your job title to be.
Do you want set hours with a designated work space or a flexible schedule driving from home to home?
Do you want to be a well-known 'expert' in your field or be able to clock out at the end of the day with no further thoughts of work?
Do you want the freedom, but uncertainty of self-employement, or the ability to grow within a supportive company?
There is no right or wrong answer, the only right choice is the one that will make you happy and fulfilled.
I have degrees in speech language pathology and audiology, cognition and neuroscience, and completed a certification course in behavior analysis allowing me to become a Board Certified Behavior Analyst. My career path has taken me through:
home-health speech therapy for children with language delays
research on cognition and neuralplasticity in older adults
supervisory positions as a behavior analyst working with children with autism
graduate level teaching position for behavior science, self-employement through continuing education development
professional training and supervision for teachers, pediatric therapists, counselors, and others
business consultation
book authorship
While this path may seem winding, I have spent the last 15 years of my life following my passions, creating positions within companies and on my own based on my interests and skills, and climbing to top positions in my field. Not only has this allowed me to reach my ultimate career goals, but has also given me the financial independence to set my own hours, follow any direction I choose in my daily work, and live a life that does not have me tied to work that is dragging me down mentally and physically.
I know the challenges that come with working in these types of positions and have steered my professional life to follow my passions and remove burnout from my life forever. Whether your professional goals are self-employement, growth within your current company, or just to rekindle the passion you once had to get up and go to work in the morning...
I can help you make the same changes!
Schedule your first meetings
Your first sessions will be scheduled as a pair which will include orientation, then our first coaching meeting. Each meeting is 45 minutes and consists of follow-up from our previous meeting, discussion of current progress, and goal setting for the upcoming week.
Attend orientation meeting
Our first meeting will allow us to set short and long term goals, identify any barriers to your progress and ultimate happiness, review the expectations of future meetings, and create a plan to move forward.
Complete pre-session assessment
Prior to our first meeting you will be emailed a questionnaire to get more detailed information on your current concerns and goals. You can also upload your resume or other professional documents you need feedback on.
Create a better future!
Coaching sessions after the orientation meeting will focus on moving you towards your professional goals with continued planning, analyzing, and updating of your action plan, discussing and role-playing any barriers, and giving you the tools you need to succeed.
In our 1:1 coaching sessions we will...​
Utilize behavioral science to optimize your professional success
Identify areas contributing to burnout and make meaningful changes to your environment
Create actionable objectives to move you towards your ultimate career goals
Maintain progress and accountability through regular contact until you achieve your desired outcome