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Clinical Excellence Program

Boss Mug

Are you losing techs?
Do parents seem dissatisfied?
Are insurance companies picking apart your reports?

It doesn't have to be this way! 

What is clinical excellence?

Take your company to the next level!
Earn your Certification of Clinical Excellence (CCE)*

There is no standard definition for clinical excellence in ABA, but our 5 Pillars of Excellence demonstrates several areas that sets an amazing clinic apart from the mediocre. This program gives you all the tools you need to achieve excellence in the pillars of:

  • Supervision

  • Staff management

  • Assessment and report writing

  • Parent engagement

  • Ethics

*Completion of this program allows you to be eligible for a Certification of Clinical Excellence (CCE) evaluation at NO cost.




You want to provide the best services to your clients, but...

  • You can't keep techs employed

  • Your new BCBA's are inexperienced

  • Parents are not buying-in to your recommended hours

  • Insurance is tearing apart your reports

  • You're having to defend against ABA misinformation

How can you even keep your head above water?


  Let me tell you, you're not alone!  

I have been there! My experiences working as a BCBA, providing supervision to BCBA candidates around the world, and providing consultation services to ABA companies has shown me the good, the bad, and everywhere in between.


We have A LOT we are up against to provide effective, ethical services, keep our staff happy, and still remain profitable!

But don't stress...

This multi-faceted package will give your company EVERYTHING you need to become successful and improve vital areas of your business.

Save time for you and your clinicians...

Content is made for you

Increase your income and productivity...

Keep your clients AND staff

Improve your staffs productivity...

Ongoing monitoring systems

What is included in the Clinical Excellence Program?


Get all the support you need with monthly Mastermind Lunches (via zoom) with the program creator and other company leaders.


Trainings for CEU credit accompany each pillar to ensure your supervisors are experienced and confident in the new, expectations and resources being implemented.


The foundation of this program are the 5 distinct pillars containing the systems and resources you will need to implement this program. These areas include Supervision, Assessment & Reports, Staff Management, Parent Engagement, and Ethics. Each pillar includes a detailed walkthrough of the content and how to implement it.


Image by 2H Media

BCBA feedback from Masterclass: Assessment & Report Writing

I've been in the field of ABA since 2015 and a BCBA since 2020, this was the most informative master class I've taken. I have learned a lot and can't wait to improve my assessment writing skills. THANK YOU!

February 2022


BCBA feedback from Masterclass: Improving ABA Staff Retention

I loved everything about this course. I feel like I have so many tools and ideas now and I’m excited to use these with my team and figure out how to make these work for us!

September 2022


BCBA feedback from Masterclass: Exceptional Supervision

I will definitely recommend this to other BCBAs who are new to supervision. This clarified a lot of confusion I had even after reading the BCBA handbook and provided a great roadmap to follow for supervision.

July 2022


High-quality supervision of the next generation of BCBAs is a foundational step in improving our field. Without qualified and experienced clinicians entering the field, we will find the quality of our service decreasing everywhere. But, we shouldn't expect every BCBA to reinvent the wheel and spend hours per week planning their trainee's supervision experience. That is where this pillar can help!


for 5 BCBA's

  • Masterclass: Exceptional Supervision (4.0 CEUs)

  • Soft Skills of Supervision (1.0 CEU)

Supervision Document Package

Includes: Hour tracker, contract, deposit balance sheet, supervision note template, competence evaluation, & supervision evaluations.

Supervision Curriculum 3-book set

Over 60 assignments covering conceptual & applied skills

All teaching material the BCBA needs

Increase unrestricted hours


The assessment and report are the foundation and guidepost of our clients treatment, but many new BCBA's are inexperienced in assessments and report writing, all BCBA's often have too much of a workload to create in-depth reports, and insurance companies will use any deficiency to reduce or deny our recommendations. This pillar will give your BCBA's the training and your company the tools needed to choose the right assessment and produce reports that show medical necessity.


for 5 BCBA's

  • Masterclass: Assessment & Report Writing (4.0 CEUs)

  • Masterclass: Functional Assessment (4.0 CEUs)

Report Writing Package

Includes: Initial and re-evaluation templates, parent interview, assessment templates, assessment scoring calculators, FBA resources, behavior definitions and guides, behavior interventions, risk/benefit analysis, treatment goal writing guide, DSM-V guide, and 20 program templates.


It doesn't matter if you have the best reports, the best supervision program, and the best BCBA's if you don't have staff to implement your services. This pillar will give your staff the training they need to improve staff retention and job satisfaction and a robust system to track tech performance and productivity. Plus, our BCBA evaluations will ensure a system of oversight to supervise the supervisors.


for 5 BCBA's

  • Masterclass: Improving ABA Staff Retention (4.5 CEUs)

Productivity Package

Includes: RBT supervision tracker, 3 level staff evaluation system, RBT competency evaluation, productivity tracking system (with and without integrated timesheets), reinforcement system tracker, performant improvement plan template, and staff preference assessment.

BCBA Evaluations

Specialized evaluations for the BCBA's performance to be assessed using self-assessment, tech survey, and parent surveys.


Available January 2023

Most BCBA's cite parent training as the least preferred part of their job. And what do we do with non-preferred tasks? Ignore, avoid, or do a half-way job. This leads to unhappy parents, lack of buy-in to treatment goals, lack of commitment to dosage recommendation, and ultimately discharge from services. This pillar will give your BCBA's the ability to assess caregivers using a structured format which tied to pre-written, individualized goals for each family and the experience and confidence to engage all types of parents in the therapy process.


for 5 BCBA's

  • Masterclass: Parent Assessment & Training (4.0 CEUs)

Parent Assessment of Behavioral Concepts (P-ABC)

This assessment will look at caregivers knowledge of ABA concepts and procedures in a structured manner with results that tie to pre-written goals that give you an individualized parent training program to follow for each client.


Available March 2023

One of the things I love about our field is the unique ethics code to guide our practice as a whole. Not everyone has the passion for ethics that I do, but that's why I've created this very important pillar. We will cover a review of our ethics code, applied examples to bring the code into the real world, and how we can use our ethics code to provide effective and ethical services that stand up to the misinformation being spread about ABA therapy.


for 5 BCBA's

  • Masterclass: Ethics (3.5 CEUs)

Ethics E-Book

This book will serve as a refresher guide of our ethics code with do's and don'ts for each section. Perfect for new and experienced BCBA's!

This course was fantastic, it really helped me figure out how to organize and plan which is something I have struggled with in the past.

BCBA feedback from Masterclass: Exceptional Supervision, August 2022


The above resources by themselves offers a substantial gain to any company, but that is not all you get! To ensure that you have the support to implement these tools into your practice, you will have access to monthly Mastermind Lunch Meetings via zoom with other professionals in the Clinical Excellence Program.


Plus, set your BCBA's up for success with 5 BCBA Planners to help them stay organized and motivated!

Most importantly, you are eligible* to receive your Certification of Clinical Excellence (CCE) evaluation to demonstrate your clinic's quality to parents and payors for FREE!

*Eligibility does not guarantee an organization to pass the evaluation

Bonus Content

1 year of monthly collaborative Mastermind Meetings (starting January 2023)

5 Professional BCBA Planners

Certification fo Clinical Excellence (CCE) evaluation (learn more here)

Add on additional CEU users, BCBA Planners, or Curriculum book sets for an exclusive discounted rate

**No expiration on assigning BCBA's to their CEU's or on the CEU content**​

Melissa Druskis, M.S., BCBA

M Druskis Picture2_edited.png

In 2016, I created ABC Behavior Training to provide distance supervision and write educational articles about ABA with several goals:

  1. Provide the high-quality distance supervision that I knew could be achieved with the right structure and technology.

  2. Disseminate the science of behavior analysis to all ABA clinicians to move our field forward in the direction of ethical and effective treatment for everyone.

  3. Use my technical knowledge to create tools and resources that make clinicians' lives easier and improve their work quality and productivity.

I have made substantial progress in these goals by disseminating over 1000 copies of my supervision curriculum (both online and in book format), training BCBA all around the

world including some that were the first BCBA in their country, and reaching the eyes and ears of tens of thousands ABA practitioners with our blog and podcast. But I'm not done yet!

One day I hope to see consistency in the expertise of new BCBA's coming into the field, families being able to receive the same high-level care regardless of their location, and insurance companies no longer being able to deny needed services by submitting effective and detailed reports.

That's why I created this program. By collaborating together and with other like-minded companies, we can make a overarching difference in our field and move us in the right direction for better services, more qualified staff, and less obstacles! 

Clapping Audience

I am a fan of your work and appreciate you sharing your knowledge all the things you have created! Thank've been a huge resource in my growth and development.

BCBA feedback from Masterclass: Assessment & Report Writing, February 2022

I really enjoyed this course. I particularly enjoyed the discussion on burnout, as I don't think it's often evaluated and addressed from a company-wide standpoint.

BCBA feedback from Masterclass: Improving ABA Staff Retention, November 2022

 Join the path to Clinical Excellence! 

This program is ONLY being offer as a pre-sale for

Get immediate access to all open content

What is the value of this program?

  • Supervision Pillar

    • Masterclass: Exceptional Supervision for 5 BCBA's ($1,435 value)

    • CEU: Soft Skills of Supervision for 5 BCBA's ($97.50 value)

    • Supervision Documentation Package ($100 value)

    • Supervision Curriculum 3-Book Set ($1,060 value)

  • Assessment & Report Writing Pillar

    • Masterclass: Assessment & Report Writing for 5 BCBA's ($750 value)

    • Masterclass: Functional Assessment for 5 BCBA's ($1,250 value)

    • Report Writing Package ($230 value)

  • Staff Management Pillar

    • Masterclass: Improving ABA Staff Retention for 5 BCBA's ($1,550 value)

    • Productivity Package ($205 value)

    • BCBA Evaluations ($75 value)

  • Parent Engagement Pillar

    • Masterclass: Parent Assessment & Training for 5 BCBA's ($1,250 value)

    • Parent Training Package ($200 value)

    • Parent Assessment of Behavioral Concepts (P-ABC)  ($500 value)

  • Ethics Pillar

    • Masterclass: Ethics for 5 BCBA's ($750 value)

    • Ethics E-Book ($75 value)

  • Bonus Content

    • BCBA Professional Planner for 5 BCBA's ($375 value)

    • 1 Year of Monthly Mastermind Lunches  ($1,800 value)

    • Certification of Clinical Excellence (CCE) Evaluation ($3,000 value)


Authorized continuing education provider for the BACB and QABA


Total value for this program is $14,702.50!
But that's what I sell it for one product at a time to individual BCBA's

By combining these resources, your company cost is only $5,277
OR Buy Now, Pay Later with Affirm for $5,600

This price is ONLY available right now
during this pre-sale

Are you an individual BCBA or only need 1 BCBA account?


Are you ready to achieve Clinical Excellence?

This is a big investment in your clinicians and in your ABA program, and I want to make sure you will be successful and satisfied with our program.

So, before you bring out the company credit card, lets have a quick conversation where I can answer any questions you have

Let's Connect

Thanks for submitting!

© 2024 by ABC Behavior Training


Thanks for subscribing!

The views and opinions expressed here represent my own and not those of the people, institutions, or organizations that I may be affiliated with.

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